How to serve

How to serve Old Hunter’s Rye

To inspire

Perhaps, now we will be a thorn in the side of a lot of real “connoisseurs”, but we stand by the opinion that the most important thing when consuming Old Hunter’s Rye is only your unique and personal taste experience.

That’s why don’t expect any unequivocal rule on how to serve Old Hunter’s Rye. We just want you to enjoy it exactly the way you like it.

For inspiration, we present several ways you can serve Old Hunter’s Rye, along with a description of how the given method will affect its tone.


Exclusively Old Hunter’s Rye

The easiest way is to serve Old Hunter’s Rye undiluted, warmed to room temperature. In this way of serving, all its aromas are best developed.


Old Hunter’s Rye with some pure water

Another way of consumption is to gently dilute Old Hunter’s Rye with a little clean, pure water. Thanks to this, the taste of the drink and its quality will be more pronounce.

With Ice

With ice, like a true gentleman?

Opinions differ quite a bit about drinking Old Hunter’s Rye with ice, as well as different opinions on ice and whiskey in general exist. Some claim that ice dulls the taste of the drink, while others claim that ice supports the variety of taste notes. For example, America is famous for adding ice. So we leave this choice up to you and we believe that in any case, you will be able to properly enjoy Old Hunter’s Rye. Simply your way.


Old Hunter’s rye and cocktails

This is a separate chapter on how to serve Old Hunter’s Rye. In particular, the Old Hunter’s Rye Reserve is ideal for mixed cocktails.

Czech Garden

4 cl Old Hunter’s Rye Selection
2 tablespoons apricot jam
1 cl fresh lemon juice
Technique: swizzling
Garnish: dried apricot, straw
Drinkware: can / Julep cup
Ice: crushed
Pour the ingredients into the prepared Julep cup, cover with crushed ice, and mix thoroughly using the swizzle method. After that, shake the drink lightly and garnish with a dried apricot.

czech garden_míchaný drink
ginger ranger_míchaný drink




4 cl Old Hunter’s Rye No.1

1/8 of a lime

Top off with Ginger Beer/ Ginger lemonade

Technique: swizzling

Drinkware: long

Garnish: lime, a slice of ginger

Ice: Cubes


Pour the Old Hunter’s Rye Reserve into the prepared glass, fill it with ice and top it off, to the brim, with ginger beer. Squeeze and throw in 1/8 of the lime and you’re done.